Building Rua, 2022

External 9.4L x 3.0W x 4.2H

Rua's building journey...

December 2022 - weeks 1 & 2

Whoop whoop!  Rua is READY and is FOR SALE. It was so much fun - felt like we were on some reality TV show, staging Rua and getting ready for her launch.  Rhonda even put up her signature bunting!

We're very proud of how Rua has turned out - and stoked to receive such beautiful comments from those who came to her launch.  Especially from others in the building trade!

Rua definitely surprised people when they visited in terms of spaciousness and quality - just goes to show, all that heart and soul that goes into designing and building pays off.  And that being a tiny home doesn't mean compromising on quality.  LOVE THIS!

November 2022 - weeks 3&4

Wow!  What a difference 2 weeks makes.  90% of the joinery is in, the NZ Wool carpet had been laid upstairs in the loft (so cute AND spacious!) and Dean has been working in and around the electricians as they do their bit too.  The shower is coming together and now all the Bosch appliances are 'situated' but not completely locked into, their final position.  

We spent one night pretending we were on the The Block (never seen it, but get the concept!) as we prepared a mini-staging for photos.  Cleaning, sweeping, taking tools out, bringing cushions in... we even put some wine in the wine fridge for show.   :)

Cannot WAIT for the ladder to the loft to be built and the fridge to get dressed up with its 'integration'.  It's going to look SO BLOODY SMART!

Its Fieldays near where we live so fun to think we'll get some traffic from people who'd like a sneaky peak at what has been created in the paddock!

November 2022 - weeks 1&2

We've fallen in love with the macrocarpa weatherboard: the vertical lines, the smell, the style...  Rua is looking so smart, even Scandinavian! 

A few more boards to go and a bit of work to 'finish' off the outside.  Then we're in the capable hands of our awesome sparky and plumber to finish off their side of works. 

So pleased to have found a wonderful upholsterer who is making gorgeous sofa squabs and back cushions for the lounge area.  

We've purchased state of the art lights from Ralph Lighting in Gordonton (check them out if you haven't heard), so CANNOT wait to see them in position shortly. 

We're ready to start finding someone who wishes to live in Rua, and experience tiny home living at its finest.  Time to get in touch if you're interested!

October 2022 - weeks 1&2

The anticipation is building as the walls are finished, holes filled and sanded, ply is oiled with a Danish oil and the gorgeous bamboo floor is laid. 

Plus the bamboo composting toilet has arrived. We've actually changed our mind on the toilet we're installing after trying out another option for the last 2 years.  So really excited about how simple it is to 'drive' this bamboo one!

Also loving the fact we're using such great sustainable materials - for example, bamboo vs synthetic flooring, wool insulation over fibreglass and oil over paint. It creates such a great look AND creates a feel good factor.

On track for completion mid to late November, just in time for summer, whoop whoop!

September 2022 - weeks 3&4

So much has been worked on in the last 2 or 3 weeks.  More windows have gone in, the wool insulation is complete, the ceilings and walls are going up and the loft landing has been laid. 

Final (final final final) measurements have been signed off with the joiners for bedroom, kitchen and bathroom cabinetry. So in 2 weeks we can expect to have all that on site.  Plus the flooring and all BOSCH appliances have been ordered. We're super excited about working on an open home date some time in November.  

In terms of site - very exciting, the driveway plans have been completed and by the end of October we can welcome viewings knowing we won't be digging our visitors out of the mud :)  With all the rain, wondering if we should be building an ark!!??  

September 2022 - week 1

OK, so there's been MORE rain but the great news is that with the roof on and the wool insulation arriving, the weather wasn't going to hold us back!   The electrical pre-wire has been completed along with all the plumbing.  And now the roof and some of the walls have been insulated. 

Plymasters delivered all the lining, joinery ply and some decking for a bridge between the tiny house and workshop.  So it's all coming together... just waiting for someone to give us a hand with the large feature window in the bedroom.  It's pretty impressive!

August 2022 - week 4

The windows are being put in, the loft floor structure has been built and the roof is on.  What a great week of sunshine and productivity!  

So much fun with the layout being marked on the floor now, so we can really get a sense of space and materials.  

The macrocarpa that has been run through the thicknesser for the window jambs and the beams for the floor of the loft look magnificent!  And smell gorgeous!

August 2022 - week 2 & 3

Talk about rain!  Nothing like the rain that hit the Sth Isl of course and we're sending aroha to our south islanders, especially those in Nelson. 

The unbelievably wet weather has definitely slowed us up, but the house is now wrapped up nice and cosy (walls and roof) and we're looking forward to getting the iron on next week.  In the meantime Dean is taking shelter and using his new thicknesser to create gorgeous macrocarpa window jambs. 

August 2022 - week 1

Whoop whoop!  Collecting brand new trailer from Wee Make Change in Napier.  Thanks Mike!  And here it is safely arrived in Tamahere - with 4 wine barrel deck chairs onboard - made the most of the trip to the Hawkes Bay!  Ready to go ...


July 2022

Having so much fun choosing materials - plywood for interior walls, wood for floorboards, kitchen joinery and splashbacks.  Thanks so much to PlyMaster, Van Dyk Flooring and Intawood.

Here we have the final choices - standing material is the wall, flat material in the foreground is the floorboard, thicker flat material is the kitchen benchtop (before oiling) and the charcoal item is a great Lamina product for splashback. Can't WAIT to see it all come together! 

June 2022

Now we're making orders for windows and cladding!  We spend a really valuable afternoon at Interwood in Tamahere to discuss all things joinery and cabinets.  Making sure we get the best peeps on the job! Action stations!

May 2022

The Rua design has been finalised and we take a trip to Napier to meet with the awesome guys who will build Rua's smart trailer. A trip to Kitchen Things secures all the Bosch appliances, and a trip to Putaruru means Dean can check out the source of the cladding.  It's getting VERY REAL!